lesson plan

Check out this great Scoring Notes blog post and podcast episode about preparing music worksheets and teaching materials

This blog post from David MacDonald, writing for Scoring Notes, has some great tips about making teaching documents and music worksheets using some of the most popular music notation software.

There is a lot music teachers can learn in this post, and from the associated podcast episode. Click the link below to read more.

Preparing teaching materials in music notation software - Scoring Notes:

If you have ever taught music lessons or classes, you have likely needed to share some small bit of music notation with your students that isn’t quite a full score or part, but still requires some amount of staff notation. Preparing this sort of document can be tricky because notation software is built around a certain set of assumptions suited for performance materials — scores and parts — which may not always serve learning materials like quizzes or scale sheets.

In this article, I’m going to cover some of the workflows, workarounds, best practices, and other considerations that I have used in preparing my own materials for the university music theory and composition courses I teach.

MusicFirst (Sponsor)

I am thrilled that Music Ed Tech Talk is sponsored by MusicFirst this month. What is MusicFirst? In their own words:

MusicFirst offers music educators and their students easy-to-use, affordable, cloud-based software that enables music learning, creation, assessment, sharing, and exploration on any device, anywhere, at any time.

MusicFirst Classroom is the only learning management system designed specifically for K-12 music education. It combines the flexibility of an LMS with engaging content and powerful software integrations to help manage your students’ progress, make lesson plans, and create assignments.

And for younger students, MusicFirst Junior is the perfect online system for teaching elementary general music. It includes a comprehensive K-5 curriculum, hundreds of lessons & songs, and kid-friendly graphics to making learning and creating music fun!

Whether you’re teaching remotely, in-person, or in a blended learning environment, MusicFirst will work with you to find a solution that fits your program’s unique needs. Try it free for 30 days at musicfirst.com.

This past school year, I piloted our district's General Music II class. It marks the first time in our school system where a middle school level music class has built off of a prior year of skill development. Along with this development, our school's Mac lab began to get phased out and replaced with Chromebooks.

I decided to invest in MusicFirst, a holistic, all-in-one, solution for teaching music with computers.

A small grant covered the cost of some low-end MIDI controllers, and my 8th graders were off! MusicFirst, and the integrated third party apps, blew open the doors. Suddenly we could compose notation with the clarity and creativity that Noteflight offers. Soundtrap, one of the digital audio workstations that you can bundle with a MusicFirst subscription, stores its content in the cloud, meaning students were never limited to the instruments or loops that happened to be installed on the Mac they sat down at that day.

To top it off, we were able to apply our piano skill from earlier in the semester to record our original parts into the computers. The fact that this software runs on the web means students can work on projects at home. It's fantastic!

In March, when schools shifted to an online model, MusicFirst suddenly increased in value. I honestly don't know how I would have taught my music class without it. Soundtrap kept students engaged in creating music once every week and collaborating on projects.

MusicFirst's content library is massive. You can download an entire course-worth of units and lesson plans from dozens of pre-built classes.

In my early curiosity, I downloaded MusicFirst's "Middle School Music Technology" class to my account and invited all of my students to it. I was able to easily drag and drop lessons and units from this course into dates on a calendar and have them appear as tasks to students. These lesson plans include clear instructions, engaging media, and assignments that link directly out to whatever software is required to get the task done.

For example, we spent some time learning the blues last spring. There is a unit in the pre-made music tech course that teaches students some blues basics. It starts with a lesson plan that has a pre-made playlist featuring artists like B. B. King. After listening to some recorded examples, it links students to a discussion task, where they can comment about the stylistic features of the music. Next, students move on to a lesson that explains the blues scale and links directly to a Soundtrap project, where the are tasked to record an improvisation using the notes of the blues scale. Saving their work in Soundtrap automatically saves it to the assignment in MusicFirst, where I can review and grade them all in the same place.

The pre-made content is a life saver if are teaching out of your content area and are feeling overwhelmed. Even if you are not, the content will speed things up for you. (Aggregating Spotify playlists, images, and instructions into a meaningfully structured lesson takes time, even if the ideas are already in your head!).

The course content is also fully customizable. In the blues example above, I wanted the improvisation assignment in Soundtrap to have a 12 bar bass line and shuffle beat pre-recorded, so that students felt like they were playing along to something. I was able to accomplish this, and saved a lot of time due to the instructions and embedded media having already been curated.

Give MusicFirst a try. It is such a comprehensive offering, that I am sure it can enhance your teaching! Click herefor more details.

MusicFirst Logo black for blog post.png

🔀 Guest post: 10 Productivity Apps to Help You Organize Your Lesson Plans | Midnight Music

This month I wrote a guest post for Midnight Music, an awesome blog and website designed to equip music teachers with technology knowledge and resources.

The post includes about 10 of the productivity apps I use to create, organize, and collaborate on lesson plans in the music classroom. The list covers some of the web tools and native iOS/Mac apps that are most indispensable to my work as a teacher.

Click the link below to head on over to Midnight Music and read the whole thing.

10 Productivity Apps to Help You Organize Your Lesson Plans | Midnight Music:

Everyone likes to organize themselves differently. Teachers prefer different tools, organization methods, and preference over how much of their workflow is digital. Whatever your approach, there are a handful of great apps that can help you create your plans, search them, group them, and collaborate on them. The following apps are some of my favorite tools for managing lesson ideas, plans and resources.

Many of them have similar features as one another, but all of them have unique strengths. My philosophy is that there is always a better and more specific tool for the job.

App of the Week: OmniOutliner 3

I am kicking off a new series this week where I will highlight an app I am making use of lately. 

Hundreds of the apps I experiment with never make it into any of my conference presentations, longer form blog posts, or every day conversations. In effort to start sharing how I am taking advantage of these (and to get me posting here more consistently), I am going to do my best to write about one app a week. 

My goal is to very briefly explain what the app does and how I am using it in my life. I will leave full length reviews to the professionals. 

This week’s app is OmniOutliner. OmniOutliner comes from Omni Group who makes my task manager of choice (and number one most used app), OmniFocus. OmniOutliner is a writing tool that emphasizes features for creating outlines. It is far more intuitive, beautiful, and user customizable than what you are probably using to do this kind of work now, which is most likely a word processor like Microsoft Word or Google Docs. These traditional word processors are a clunk-fest of digging through menu options and formatting settings.

Hierarchical, list-types of documents are what this app handles best, though you can really do anything with it...budget, draft your next novel...anything. OmniOutliner has friendly keyboard shortcuts to make outlining fast. Pressing Enter goes to the next line of text. Command+Right Bracket or Left Bracket makes the current line of text you are typing go one level deeper or shallower in the hierarchy. Collapsible arrow buttons can be clicked to expose or hide entire sections of your outline. A theme can be stylized and applied across the entire document, or even just one level of the hierarchy.

Things I have used this app to write in the past few years: my book, every music presentation I have ever given at a conference, and lesson plans. The last one, lesson plans, I have especially come to love doing in OmniOutliner. My daily lesson plan is permanently left open on both my iPad and Mac. When I have something I want to add to my warm up or announcements, I add it from my Mac (or iPhone, depending on what is in front of me), type the extra line of text, and then wait. When I open up OmniOutliner on my iPad alongside my score reader of choice, forScore, the edits automatically sync to my iPad’s copy and I have an up to date version of my plan, ready to rehearse from.

For an actual review of OmniOutliner, check out this great one from MacStories. BTW, OmniOutliner now has a 10 dollar “Essentials” version that gives you most of the compelling features of the app without going all in on the powerful stuff I did not mention here (like cross-platform automation, for example). 

Download here:

OmniOutliner 3 by The Omni Group

OmniFocus 2 by The Omni Group
