Claris’s Plans for FileMaker Bode Well for Individual Users - TidBits
Some interesting changes coming to FileMaker, including a new name, and most notably, a freemium version!
I have talked at length about using FileMaker and relational databases to assess mastery-based learning in the band environment. Listen to the embedded podcast episode below for more.
I updated podcast listeners on how I am revamping this workflow and building it upon PKM software in another recent episode about building a second brain. I hope to go into more detail about this here later in the school year.
Read about the updates to FileMaker below.
Claris’s Plans for FileMaker Bode Well for Individual Users - TidBITS
The more important change for longtime individual FileMaker users is that there will be a freemium version of Claris Pro with free access to Claris Studio (and presumably Claris Go). Its only restriction is that databases created with the freemium version are restricted to a single user—but there are no size or time constraints. The apps are also free for professional developers, who will pay a single, as-yet-unspecified Claris Platform licensing fee only when they wish to deploy a solution to additional users. Since Claris is wholly owned by Apple, deployment could even mean putting an app on the Mac App Store. Those with existing licenses can continue to rely on them but won’t get access to Claris Studio without switching to a Claris Platform subscription.