METT Episode #25 - Mastering the Practice Process, with Rob Knopper
Rob Knopper (Metropolitan Opera, auditionhacker, percussionhacker) joins the show to talk about mastering practice, improving the audition process, and using technology to support his multifaceted efforts as a performing percussionist, teacher, and creator of web resources for musicians.
Other topics include:
- How to Practice With Technology
- Technology for Making Content
- Developing Diverse Skills/Remaining Teachable
- Finding Generalized vs. Specialist Mentors
- Comprehensively Studying Masterworks and Making Practice Resources for Them
- Acquiring Phrasing Language
- Teaching Students to Recognize Mastery
- Embracing Failure/Auditions Are Process Not Product
- Our album and app picks of the week
Show Notes:
- Rob Knopper site
- Rob Knopper on The Entrepreneurial Musician, with Andrew Hitz
- Evernote
- Audio-Technica AT4040
- Final Cut Pro - Try free for 90 days
- Adobe Premiere
- Adam Tan
- Ben Thompson - Stratechery
- Music Ed Tech Talk Episode #23 Rogue Amoeba Audio Apps, with Paul Kafasis
- IDAGIO - Classical music streaming service
- Izotope RX Restoration Noise Plugins
App of the Week:
Robby - SoundSource
Rob Knopper - Anki
Album of the Week:
Robby - An Oscar Petersen Christmas
Rob Knopper - Pictures at an Exhibition | Emerson, Lake & Palmer
Where to Find Us:
Robby - Twitter | Blog | Book
Rob Knopper - Twitter | Website
Please don’t forget to rate the show and share it with others!
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