
Steinberg Summer Sale

Summer Deals:

Save up to 50% on Groove Agent 5 and expansions, Iconica, Dorico, Cubasis and much more. Only from July 7 to July 28, 2022.

Steinberg is running a summer sale right now and some of the cuts are deep. A lifetime purchase of Dorico is 30% off and Cubasis (which is, in my opinion, the most fully-featured DAW available for iPad) is 50% off.

Check it out!

Cubasis comes to Android and receives a discount

Cubasis is, in my opinion, the app to use if you are looking to produce music in a professional DAW using your iPad.

Good news! Version 3 is currently deeply discounted and they just released an Android version!

What's New in Cubasis 3.2 | Steinberg-->

Musical ideas come when you least expect them and are often gone in a flash. With Cubasis, you always have your mobile DAW with you, because Cubasis is available for all your mobile devices. iPad? Check. iPhone? Of course! Android smartphone and tablet? Sure thing! And now we bring one of the fastest, most intuitive and complete mobile DAWs to the world of Chromebooks, too. Welcome Google (again)! Welcome Chrome OS! Cubasis is ready to capture your ideas whenever and wherever you are.

🔗 Dorico 1.1 is released

The Scoring Notes Blog has the scoop. I haven’t played with the chord symbols yet but from the screenshots, they appear very well implemented.

Dorico 1.1 is released:

Today Steinberg released Dorico 1.1, the most comprehensive update to the scoring program since the software’s initial October 2016 release.

I am aware that this update has been highly anticipated and that you probably have a lot of urgent questions.

So, what would you like to read about first? The addition of all the ornaments from Bach’s Clavier-Büchlein vor Wilhelm Friedemann? How slurs can automatically be placed on the first or last note of a tie chain, Mahler-style? That rests can now be nudged by any arbitrary distance, not just whole spaces? Chord symbols? The slight overhaul of the commands to control beaming? The implications of Dorico‘s polymetric features on bar numbering in multiplayer Layouts? How to notate…

Ah… Chord symbols it is, yes? Are you sure? Because, I’m telling you, that bar numbering stuff is fascinating.

Yeah, yeah, okay. Chord symbols.

...keep reading the article to get all of the fine details.