Meal Planning to Save Time with a Busy Teaching Schedule
Back on September 3rd, I posted My annual resume… and the things I learned from it. This post was 3,000ish words which is quite honestly too long to expect anyone to digest. So I have broken down its meatier portions into a few blog posts which I will be posting here in the coming days. Of course, I do recommend you read a little bit of the original for some context.
In that post, I discuss a lot of the way I manage my time. I broke that down into cooking, exercise, and technology tools. Today, I am reposting the “meal planning” section of the post where I dissect some of the ways I am learning to plan healthy meals in a time efficient way.
From “My annual resume… and the things I learned from it”:
On to food. My wife is super generous about cooking dinners and picks up a huge weight there. But we still have to plan the other two meals of the day. So what do we do?
Our grocery list starts with the following...eggs, onion, green pepper, salmon, chicken, sweet potatoes, avocados, and asparagus. Some weeks we stock up on yogurt and nuts. I am a creature of habit and can eat the same thing every day for a while before needing to change it up.
So every Sunday, we buy all of this stuff I just mentioned. Then 1-2 dozen eggs, an onion, and a green pepper go into a bowl with salt and pepper. Next, we pour this mixture into these silicon muffin tins and cook for 20-30 minutes at 425 degrees. I eat two of these with a half avocado every morning. I can make close to the best cup of coffee imaginable in under seven minutes with Blue Bottle coffee, an Aeropress, a Baratsa Virtuoso grinder, and this kettle.
The Baratsa Virtuoso.
An Aeropress.
Blue Bottle subscriptions are the best.
This is a slightly fancier recipe for the eggy things. By the way, Paprika is a killer app for recipe planning.
Next is lunch. Easy. All of those other vegetables get roasted with coconut oil, salt, and pepper, until lightly browned. Then the chicken and or salmon goes in the oven until it is just barely safe from poisoning me. I pre-pack these into my Prepd lunch box modular containers and all of it fits in my backpack. No need to bring a lunch box. I supplement with nuts and RX Bars.
I love my Prepd lunch box.
I am made of Rx Bars.
Edit (10/4/18): For dinner, we have had a lot of success with a Sunbasket subscription. They deliver three extremely delicious, healthy, and time efficient meals to our door once a week.