Talking StaffPad, with David William Hearn
David William Hearn (composer, arranger, producer and creator of StaffPad) joins the show to talk about StaffPad, how teachers can use it, and the thought process behind designing great iPad software.
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Show Notes:
- StaffPad
- File Not Found - a generation that grew up with Google is forcing professors to rethink their lesson plans | The Verge
- Procreate
- GoodNotes
- Playscore podcast episode featuring Anthony Wilkes
- Dorico
- Noteflight
- MuseClass podcast episode featuring Bob Chreste
- Keyboard Maestro
- Audio Hijack
App of the Week:
Robby - Default Folder X
DWH - Soulver
Music of the Week:
Robby - Button Masher - Origin Story
DWH - Prince
Tech Tip of the Week:
Robby - Universal Clipboard
DWH - Automate stuff
Where to Find Us:
Robby - Twitter | Blog | Book
David William Hearn - Twitter | Website
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