Music Technology 101 - Conversation with Heath Jones
Heath Jones (author of Music Technology 101 / Executive Editor and Founder of MuTechTeacherNet) joins the show to talk about teaching music technology, apps we love, and formative musical experiences.
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Show Notes:
- Music Technology 101: The Basics of Music Production in the Technology Lab or Home Studio by Heath Jones | Hal Leonard
- Mutechteachernet.com
- Theresa Hoover
- Theresa’s most recent appearance on Music Ed Tech Talk
- Acapella app
- Jacktrip soundcheck with Christian McBride: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmAJNmUb0Ig
- Dawn of the Daw, by Chris Bell
App of the Week:
Heath - PlayScore 2 / JackTrip
Tech Tip of the Week:
Robby - Time Tracking: Toggl / Timery
Heath - Tidal / Novation Launchpad
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