Ivan trevino

Cool Kids Play The Glockenspiel -> Ivan Trevino's Music for the Young Percussionist

I have so much admiration for anyone throwing all of their composing creativity into writing music for young musicians.

Ivan Trevino is doing just that with his new collection of pieces for young percussionists. Read more below. My favorite title in the collection is Cool Kids Play The Glockenspiel.


MUSIC FOR THE YOUNG PERCUSSIONIST (2022) was commissioned by The Juilliard School for Juilliard’s Music Advancement Program. The collection features 12 short pieces for snare, mallets, timpani, and multi-aux, and was written with the early – late high school percussionist in mind. In my experience, the music that young musicians experience and study can have a profound impact on their relationship with music. Rather than writing these pieces as a step towards conservatory, I wrote them as a step towards enrichment, with hooks and beats that might resonate with young musicians. While each piece focuses on specific musical and technical concepts, they were also written through the lens of a songwriter who enjoys writing tunes. I hope this spirit rings true for performers of this music.