MaskerAid is an app that allows you to quickly and easily add emoji to images with machine learning

Casey Liss, co-host of one of my favorite podcasts, has released a new app called MaskerAid.

Announcing MaskerAid:

In short, MaskerAid allows you to quickly and easily add emoji to images. Plus, thanks to the magic of ✨ machine learning ✨, MaskerAid will automatically place emoji over any faces it detects. There’s several reasons you may want to hide a face:

  • The face of a child who is too young to consent to their image being shared
  • The faces of the children in your classroom, or your own classmates, who really don’t need to be in your images
  • The faces of protestors who are standing up against a grotesque war
  • The other faces in a particularly great shot of you, but was taken as part of a group

I can definitely see this coming in handy for sharing photographs of the classroom. You can check out MaskerAid here.

Audio Hijack 4, Shortcuts, Podcasting Automation

Audio Hijack 4 is Here! | Rogue Amoeba Blog:

Today, we’re thrilled to unveil a major upgrade to Audio Hijack, our flagship audio recorder and processor. Audio Hijack 4 brings both powerful new functionality and powerful new interfaces, to make its ability to record any audio on your Mac more accessible than ever. With an absolutely ridiculous 107 new features, enhancements, improvements, and bug fixes, Audio Hijack has never been better.

Read on to learn more or just click to download Audio Hijack 4!

Audio Hijack is an essential tool in my workflow. I use it to do everything from recording my podcast to capturing audio from apps. It's sort of a Swiss Army Knife of audio utilities on the Mac. And today it gets better.

You can read the post from Rogue Amoeba above to get the full scoop. You can read my previous post on Audio Hijack to get a feel for how I use it. I also had Rogue Amoeba's CEO Paul Kafasis on Music Ed Tech Talk to talk about all sorts of creative ways to use their audio apps in the classroom.

My favorite new feature of Audio Hijack 4 is the Shortcuts integration.

I can now automate features of Audio Hijack by adding actions in my Shortcuts. One example of this is my "Podcasting" Shortcut which I trigger before I record my show (or go on Zoom calls).

This Shortcut...

  • reminds me to turn off my fan (using the speak text action)
  • tracks how long I record in the time tracking app Timery
  • sets a reminder to turn back on the fan later in the evening
  • opens Craft and Obsidian (where I keep my show outline and show notes, respectively)
  • opens Zoom, launches the meeting, mutes my mic, and records the call (as a back up)

Now I can add Audo Hijack as a step. In the action above, I am having it automatically start running my "Input Device" session, which takes the audio input of my Scarlet 6i6 audio interface and records it as an AIFF.

This Shortcut also puts my devices into a Podcasting Focus mode which silences all notifications except the ones from my wife.

Music Ed Tech Talk #52 - Dorico Updates! with Daniel Spreadbury

Daniel returns to the show to discuss the release of Dorico 4 for desktop, Dorico 2 for iPad, Steinberg licensing, and other updates!

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Show Notes:

Album of the Week:
Robby - Dilla Time Book | Slum Village - Fan-Tas-Tic Vol. 1 | Vol. 2 | Jay Dilla Essentials | J Dilla Influences | Inspired by J Dilla
Daniel - Horizon Forbidden West Soundtrack Volume 1

App of the Week:
Robby - Audible
Daniel - Raycast

Tech Tip of the Week:
Robby - Whispersync
Daniel - Pi-hole

Where to Find Us:
Robby - Twitter | Blog | Book
Daniel - Twitter | Website

Please don't forget to rate the show and share it with others!

Teacher Spotlight! - Krystal Williams

Krystal Williams joins the show to talk about all of the diverse tools, instructional, and organization strategies she uses to teach a variety of content areas ranging from band to music theory.

Krystal teaches at North Western High School in Hyattsville, Maryland, and is the Technology Chair for the Maryland Music Educators Association.

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Show Notes:

At about the 30 minute mark, Krystal shared her screen and showed off some examples of how she is using the Google Suite to engage her students and organize her classroom materials. See a video excerpt of that part of the conversation here:


Links to things mentioned in the show:

App of the Week: Robby - Deckset Krystal - Perfect Ear

Album of the Week:
Robby - Aoife O'Donovan - Age of Apathy Krystal - Thundercat - This is Thundercat

Tech Tip of the Week:
Robby - Noir - Dark Mode for Safari Krystal - Repurpose old phones!

Where to Find Us:
Robby - Twitter | Blog | Book
Krystal - Band Director Toolbox Facebook Group | Diary of a Lady Band Director | Diary of a Lady Band Director YouTube Page

Please don't forget to rate the show and share it with others!

Tweetbot for Mac and iOS is the sanest way to use Twitter

Do you have a love/hate relationship with Twitter?

Perhaps you enjoy interacting with people from various circles all over the world, connecting professionally, and learning things from other music educators?

Perhaps you also hate the constant dumpster fire of negativity and hatred that can be seen on the service. Or, if you are like me, you are burnt out on algorithmic social timelines and would prefer to curate your own online experiences.

I'd like to recommend Tweetbot for iOS and Mac. It displays the tweets of the people you follow, in the order they tweet them. It has great mute filters, does not show ads, and doesn't show recommendations or "liked tweets." This is not to mention that it has a beautiful user interface.

Twitter used to not allow third party Twitter clients to do a lot, but this is recently changing. Tweetbot is a viable Twitter experience these days and does not lack any major features that I miss on a daily basis. And they are constantly iterating. Version 7 came out recently and adds statistics. You can read more about it here.

The Tunable Mac App is my Preferred Tuner on macOS

I have said a lot of positive words about the Tonal Energy Tuner app. Every day I yearn for them to release a Mac version of the app.

Playing just intonation tuning drones in combination with a metronome is one of my most common technology uses in the band classroom. Though I have a phone and a Mac wired into the sound system, my Mac is where I am most comfortable playing audio in class. In a few of my classrooms the Mac is my only device plugged into a sound system.

I'd like to give Tunable some love. Software developer Seth Sandler is killing it with this app. After speaking with him on the Music Ed Tech Talk podcast, he reminded me that there is a Mac version.

I have been using Tunable in my classes for the past few months and I really like it. It has great drones, metronome, multiple tuning systems, and design elements that make it feel like it lives on macOS.

Band Score Order in Dorico 4.0.10 -- Ehler

Band directors rejoice! The latest Dorico 4 update improves score ordering for band instruments. Click and read band director Ehler's blog post below to learn more about this feature.

Band Score Order in Dorico 4.0.10:

It’s a little tricky to find the band score order toggle; you do so by right-clicking the sorting icon at the bottom of the left-pane, which will give you options between different score orders (leaving room for more to come).

If you set that right from the start, then as you add instruments, they’ll appear in the correct order. If you unwittingly were working in orchestral score order first and need to then adjust, simply switch it over to band score order and then left click the same icon again to have it impose that score order on your players.

Ehler provided feedback to Steinberg about this feature and for this I say thanks!

Dorico 2 Released for iPad

Speaking of Dorico, Dorico 2 for iPad is now out on the App Store. It's free and comes with many improvements, my favorite being Apple Pencil support in Read view.

When I wrote about Dorico 1.0 for iPad, I expressed my enthusiasm for it sharing similar code with the then-upcoming desktop version of Dorico 4. Basing the iPad version on the desktop code has indeed expedited feature releases. I am hopeful for the development speed that both the mobile and desktop versions of Dorico will receive in the future.

While I don't use the read view in Dorico for iPad a ton, I am excited to see the addition of annotation support with Apple Pencil. Even though it doesn't do note input, this development shows that the Dorico team is iterating fast and responding to user feedback.

Check out the Dorico release below.

Dorico for iPad 2.0 now available from the App Store:

We are pleased to announce that a new version of the top-rated music notation app for iPad, Dorico for iPad, is now available for free download from the App Store. If you already have Dorico for iPad installed, go to the Updates tab in the App Store app on your iPad to grab the update.

This new version brings many of the new features added to Dorico 4 for macOS and Windows to iPadOS and adds support for freehand annotations in Read view using the Apple Pencil for those users who choose to take advantage of the optional in-app purchase subscription. Read on for more details.

My favorite calendar app Fantastical releases version 3.6 with "openings" and "scheduling" features

My calendar app of choice, Fantastical, released version 3.6 this week.

Fantastical is an amazing calendar app that works with numerous calendar and task services and packs tons of powerful features in a graceful user interface.

The version adds some huge productivity boosts. My favorite of which is a feature called "Openings" which, if you have ever used the service Calendly, adds similar function right into the app.

By setting up a few quick templates, I can now quickly reschedule a private lesson with a parent by texting them a URL. I give Fantastical a window of time; it looks at the free time in between my calendar events and provides the parent with a website that prompts them to choose an available slot. Their chosen time is then added right to my calendar. It is going to help me save tons of time!

There is a video of this feature in action below, and you can read about all of the new features in 3.6 here.

Fantastical has an aggressive subscription price for the premium version, but updates like this make me feel glad I can fund their continued development.

Communication and Collaboration Apps for Music Teams

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Communication and Collaboration Apps for Music Teams

This blog post, podcast episode, and presentation were prepared for the Ohio Music Educators Association Professional Development Conference 2022.

This blog post exists to serve as both session notes for conference attendees, show notes for listeners of the podcast episode, and any teacher who wishes to explore the many great collaboration tools available for teams today.

Complimentary Podcast Episode:

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